SOLD - From Jake's Lottery at the 2014 Blade Show
If you don't already know Jake's work, you are missing out on something special!
- Beautiful Satin-Polished Titanium Handles CNC-ed with Hoback's Logo & Bolsters & Scales Motif
- Two-Tone Flat-ground S35VN Blade
- Polished HRD (Hoback Roller Detent) System for Smooth Operation
- Thick Titanium Frame has been Milled (Pocketed)...Full AND Light in Hand!
- Framelock has Steel Insert that Meets the Blade Tant to Assure an Always Smooth Lock Release
- Lockbar Overtravel Stabilizer
- Thick Matching Titanium Backstrap with Integral Thong Hole
- Custom Hoback Logo-ed Pocket Clip Set for Tip-up Carry
- 1 of only 5 that Jake has made
- Exceptional Fit and Finish
- Exceptional Flipping Action, Pefect Lock-up, & Exceptional (it "clicks") Lock Release
- Specs: 3 5/8" Blade; 8 3/4th" OAL; 5.65 Ounces
- Condition: New from Maker's Lottery at the 2014 Blade Show in Atlanta