SOLD - New from Maker
I am asked several times a week what I recommend that is both an excellent knife / deal.... Olamic knives are among the best examples!
- Contoured & Bi-Finished Carbon-Fiber Handles
- Hollow-ground Satin CPM154 Blade
- Flips like a fish on the floor
- Stainless Pocket Clip set for Tip-up Carry
- Thick Machine-finished Titanium Liners
- Customized Pivot
- Skeletonized Flipper Tab
- Satin-finished Titanium Backstrap
- Perfect Action, Excellent Lock-up and Easy Lock Release
- Specs: 4 1/4" Blade; 9 3/8" OAL; 6.4 ounces
- Condition: New from Maker