SOLD - This is the only TADGear Sentry Flipper Rick has ever made...1 of 1! From TADGear at G7
- This is the only TADGear Sentry Flipper that Rick Lala has ever made... 1 of just 1 (that is a rare TAD!)
- Thick Titanium Frame with Integral Marbleized Carbon-Fiber Inserts with TAD Fullers
- Thick 3-D Skeletonized Titanium Pocket Clip Set for Tip-Up Carry
- Flips Perfect; IKBS Pivot Bearing System
- High-Polished Satin-finished CPM S30V Blade Marked with Rick Lala, Korth, TADGear & IKBS
- Dragon-Spine Raised G10 Backstrap
- Outstanding Fit & Finish
- Specs: 3 5/8" Blade; 8 1/4" OAL; 4.95 Ounces
- Condition: New from Maker's at the 2015 G7 Knife Show (Labor-day in Vegas)