SOLD - Built like a Tank...would make a very special EDC
- GREAT Laser-etched Hieroglyphics on Blade and Handles;
- Stippled and with Holes Thick Sculpted Solid Titanium Front Handle and Framelock Side
- Stonewashed then Polished S30Vn Blade with Armor-Piercing Tip & Swedge
- Anodized Blue Custom Machined Backbar with Integral Hidden Thong Hole
- Beautiful Reversible Stippled Tip-up Pocket Clip
- Blacked Pivot and Hardware
- Outstanding Action, Vault Lock-up, & Easy Lock Release
- Specs: 3 1/2" Blade; 8 3/16" OAL; just 5.20 Ounces
- Condition: Pre-owned in New Mint Condition.