SOLD - Outstanding Design and Very Hard to Find!
- Sculpted & Contoured Hand-rubbed Satin-Finished Titanium Handles
- Hand-polished to a Satin-Finish Compund-ground RWL34 Blade
- Blue Anodized Multi-Surface Jet-Fighter Tip-up Pocket Clip
- Blue Anodized Cross-cut Backstrap
- Timascus Thumbstud
- Custom Pivot & Hardware
- Thong-Hole
- Signed (inside backstrap) "SUPERSONIC - 08/07/2010 - RWL34"
- Great Action, Perfect Lock-up and Easy Lock Release
- Includes GTC Zippered Knife Case
- Specs: 3 7/8" Blade; 9" OAL
- Condition: Pre-owned in Mint Condition