SOLD - Outstanding Stag and a Full Integral Butt Cap
- Nr. 1 - Dietmar uses that notation to indicate it is the first of its kind that he made
- Exceptional Stag--both the Original Material and the Maker's Contouring and Fitment
- Full Integral Construction
- Full Intergral Butt Cap (much more complicate and difficult that a simply drilled round "Lanyard Hole"
- Red Liners - Dietmar was taught by Bob Loveless
- Exquisite Fluting
- The Finest Fit and Finish, Hand-Polished
- Outstanding Leather Belt Sheath (I believe Dietmar Kressler does his own leather)
- Specs: 4 3/4" Blade; 9 3/8" OAL
- Condition: Pre-owned in Mint Condition