SOLD - Feels Great in Hand, then Disappears in Pocket
The new SJ75 Mini is a lot of Strider--looks and feels great in hand!
- PVD-Blacked Contoured & Micro-Fluted Titanium Handle & Lockbar
- Nightmare S30V Blade
- Fileworked Blade Spine
- Fileworked Handle Spine
- Great Action, Great Lockup, and Easy Lock Release
- Hand Signed M. Strider
- Clipped for Tip Up Carry
- Includes Strider Knife Case
- Specs: 3" Blade; 7 1/8" OAL; 4.75 Ounces
- Condition: Pre-owned in 99% Condition...couple of small handling scuffs. Marks on Blade are Natural to the Finish