SOLD - I understand there is a 3-plus year wait to get a Yuna
- Yuna's "Type S" indicates that he built it 40% Heavier-Duty (Thicker) that his Standard Build--For Extreme Durability & Presentation
- Carbon-Fiber S-Bolster
- ZDP-189 /Steel-Core Hand-Finished Recurve Blade
- Carbon-Fiber S-Bolster
- Sculpted & Torch-colored Thick Lockbar Side
- Matching Torch-colored and Anodized Tip-up Pocket Clip
- Silver Twill Scale
- Moonglow Pivot Collar / Lockbar Over-travel Stop
- 3 Piece (G10 and Moonglow) Backstrap
- Beautiful Manual Action, Vault Lock-up, & Easy Lock Release
- Specs: 3 9/16" Blade; 8 15/16" OAL; 7.60 Ounces
- Condition: Pre-owned in Mint Condition